School Closure Sheets
A simple timetable to fill in with your child. Give your new school a name at the top. Use the squares to draw the activity and underneath write the activity name. Pop the time in above the image and enjoy!
Colour, cut, then add tape to these little germs and hide around the house (mind the walls though!). If you find one stick it on your clothes - who can find the most germs? Wash them all off at the end with a pretend handwash.
Cut out each box, place text down on the floor. Get your child to pick one, turn it over and read the word, then race to place it on the item. Once they are all done, can your child remember where they are and go find them all again?
Draw a picture and ask what your child can see, encourage them to write it as a sentence. For example draw a tree, 'what do you see?'- 'I see a tree'